What's up with verkle trees. We've been working on the conversion from the current merkle tree to a verkle tree.

18 Apr 2023, 19:13
What's up with verkle trees? We've been working on the conversion from the current merkle tree to a verkle tree. This is a challenging problem, because the amount of data is huge: it doesn't find in RAM, and needs at least a day for the translation to complete on a beefy machine.

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EthereumETH #2
19 Apr 2023, 03:00
RT @gballet: What's up with verkle trees? We've been working on the conversion from the current merkle tree to a verkle tree. This is a cha…
RT @gballet: What's up with verkle trees. We've been working on the conversion from the current merkle tree to a verkle tree.
RT @gballet: What's up with verkle trees? We've been working on the conversion from the current merkle tree to a verkle tree. This is a cha…