The KZG ceremony is opening up for public contributions again, but things are a little different this time.

17 Apr 2023, 00:02
The KZG ceremony is opening up for public contributions again, but things are a little different this time. Due the lobby getting crazily large we are trying something new: we're starting with really high nonce requirements and we're gonna keep reducing them.

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EthereumETH #2
17 Apr 2023, 01:35
RT @CarlBeek: The KZG ceremony is opening up for public contributions again, but things are a little different this time. Due the lobby ge…
RT @CarlBeek: The KZG ceremony is opening up for public contributions again, but things are a little different this time.
RT @CarlBeek: The KZG ceremony is opening up for public contributions again, but things are a little different this time. Due the lobby ge…