RT @TimBeiko: Another week, another testnet upgrade.

03 Aug 2022, 15:50
RT @TimBeiko: Another week, another testnet upgrade šŸ˜ Sepolia, which merged a few weeks ago, now needs to undergo a simple post-merge upgrā€¦

Same news in other sources

EthereumETH #2
03 Aug 2022, 15:57
RT @TimBeiko: Also, friendly reminder that the Bellatrix upgrade is happening on Prater tomorrow! If you haven't upgraded your Goerli/Prateā€¦
RT @TimBeiko: Also, friendly reminder that the Bellatrix upgrade is happening on Prater tomorrow.
RT @TimBeiko: Also, friendly reminder that the Bellatrix upgrade is happening on Prater tomorrow! If you haven't upgraded your Goerli/Prateā€¦